A conversation on education and the brain with renowned neurologist, and my sister, Dr. Jessica Rexach-Clark, MDPhD.
A quick look at the ways that each of us may learn and a quick snapshot at how some other countries approach their citizens education.
Let's jump in and consider!
How we are leveraging the tools around us to learn and grow our passions and skills? Let's jump in and consider what might work for us.
Education is more than learning about subjects. The ways in which we engage with our opportunities to learn and grow can impact not only the vertical movement of our careers but also the balance of our overall lives.
Damien Lorton, of One More Productions, is in the studio as he speaks very intelligently on how community has played a central part in shaping his life and allowing his passions to shine!
What do we want to know about where we come from?
Do we even want to know?
Why not open yourself to seeing you how you feel?
"The duty of helping one's self in the highest sense involves the helping of one's neighbor." - Samuel Smiles
How we can listen to our inner passions and values to find ways to give back in our communities?
It's time to hand over the mic to a man who truly lives life in constant pursuit of greatness, Mr. Luis Alejandro Guzman.
You can't provide for others if you don't provide for yourself. Let's get down and boogie with our souls on our 11th episode!
How are we planning for the future health of our bodies? What can we do to take care of our bodies on the journey of life?
This month we focus on WELLNESS and what better way to begin the conversation than with our beautiful minds!
Join C.Love and hear about her wild journey through Costa Rica, her non-expert financial expertise and what has have helped her shift her strategies as she has passed through different phases of her life.
Making your money work for you is the way to go. Why spend every dollar when you can turn a dollar into two or get rewards while establishing your credit! Twenty minutes is all you need to take in these tips and start thinking about what works best for you!
Understanding what you need for your monthly expenses and "extra" events/experiences helps you put together a spending strategy to stay out of debt and still have an amazing fun-filled time! Extra tools to support this episode on the "Zelladu Masterminds" page.
Did you know that the average American pays over 600,000 dollars in interest over their lifetime!? Tips and Tricks are just a click away!
My very first interview based podcast with my very special guest, seven year old, Cecylia Malinowski.
Let's unpack tools and put them to use to get out of our heads and to begin to make our dreams a reality!
Let's talk about your presence across social media outlets. Don't forget about your free tools at the Zelladu Community page!
This the the very first episode of the Question of You! A podcast for introverts and extroverts on planet Earth that are looking to find their balance.
In this episode we meet our host, Stephanie and are introduced to four main points to consider as you develop your brand.
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